ShopManager User Guide - v3.1.5

Knowledgebase Articles

To add a new article, follow the instructions below.

  1. Click the category name you would like to add an article to from the 'Knowledgebase' menu.
  2. Click the icon next to 'Articles in...'.
  3. Fill in the fields as below:

    » 'Title' - Article title - displayed in the category page.
    » 'Public' - This is currently un-used. In future, you will be able to show KB articles inside CC for your customers.
  4. Click 'Add'.
  5. Click the name of your new article.
  6. Enter the contents of your article in the WYSIWYG text box as desired, and click 'Save Article'.

To edit an existing article, click the button, edit as desired, and click 'Save Article'.

To delete an existing article, click the button.