ShopManager User Guide - v3.1.5

Upgrading to v3.1

To upgrade to ShopManager v3.1 from v3.0.7, please follow these instructions:

  1. Download ShopManager v3.1 from the client portal.
  2. IMPORTANT: Backup your SM database, and entire SM folder. Whilst data loss is very unlikely, it's better to be safe than sorry!
  3. Paste the downloaded SM v3.1 into the SM v3.0 folder. When asked to replace existing files, select OK.
  4. Next, we need to modify the shop_manager.php configuration file. There are 2 ways to do this.

    1. Simplest, but most time consuming is to backup the shop_manager.php file, replace it with shop_manager.default.php, and re-edit the settings as you did when first installing ShopManager.

    2. More complex, but quicker, is to use a comparison tool (such as that included in notepad++) to add the new settings for v3.1 into your existing shop_manager.php file.
  5. You'll also need to do the same with the _application/language/english/sm_lang.php file.
  6. Don't forget to add your license key (as found in the client portal) to shop_manager.php
  7. Open _application/language/english/biz_lang.php and add '$lang['biz_country']= "{YOUR COUNTRY}";' after the biz_postcode line.
  8. Now, browse to http://{yourdomain}/upgrade/ in your web browser, and follow the instructions.

Things To Note:

Installing IonCube on WAMP

Instructions below are for WAMP with PHP 5.3